Subjective physics

I just finished writing a text about "subjective physics": a term I made up to designate the description of the laws that govern sensory signals and their relationships with actions. It is relevant to systems computational neuroscience, embodiment theories and psychological theories of perception (in particular Gibson's ecological theory and the sensorimotor theory). Here is the abstract:

Imagine a naive organism who does not know anything about the world. It can capture signals through its sensors and it can make actions. What kind of knowledge about the world is accessible to the organism? This situation is analog to that of a physicist trying to understand the world through observations and experiments. In the same way as physics describes the laws of the world obtained in this way by the scientist, I propose to name subjective physics the description of the laws that govern sensory signals and their relationships with actions, as observed from the perspective of the perceptual system of the organism. In this text, I present the main concepts of subjective physics, illustrated with concrete examples.

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