- Viswanathan et al (2008) - Lévy flights and superdiffusion in the context of biological encounters and random searches. Theory of the optimal distribution of straight run lengths in organisms that move by runs and tumbles and look for food (e.g. Paramecium or E. Coli).
- Bartumeus et al (2003) - Helical Lévy walks- Adjusting searching statistics to resource availability in microzooplankton. Evidence of adaptive change in trajectory statistics in a microorganism.
- Benichou et al (2011) - Intermittent search strategies. A similar problem but when the organism can only look when it stops; applies to molecular transport too.
- Huang et al (2016) - Adaptive Spike Threshold Enables Robust and Temporally Precise Neuronal Encoding. Some information-theoretic analysis of our adaptive threshold model (Platkiewicz and Brette (2010, 2011) and Fontaine et al. (2014)).
- Clay et al (2008) - A simple modification of the Hodgkin and Huxley equations explains type 3 excitability in squid giant axons. A revision of the HH model with K+ current following GHK.
- Armstrong (2007) - Life among the axons. Pretty cool paper on the history of electrophysiological theory.
- Hille et al (1999) - Ion channels- from idea to reality. The same on channels.