What is computational neuroscience? (IV) Should theories explain the data?

Since there is such an obvious answer, you might anticipate that I am going to question it! More precisely, I am going to analyze the following statement: a good theory is one that explains the maximum amount of empirical data while being as simple as possible. I will argue that 1) this is not stupid at all, but that 2) it cannot be a general criterion to distinguish good and bad theories, and finally that 3) it is only a relevant criterion for orthodox theories, i.e., theories that are consistent with theories that produced the data. The arguments are not particularly original, I will mostly summarize points made by a number of philosophers.

First of all, given a finite set of observations, there are an infinite number of universal laws that agree with the observations, so the problem is undetermined. This is the skeptic criticism of inductivism. Which theory to choose then? One approach is "Occam's razor", i.e., the idea that among competing hypotheses, the most parsimonious one should be preferred. But of course, Karl Popper and others would argue that it cannot be a valid criterion to distinguish between theories, because it could still be that the more complex hypothesis predicts future observations better than the simpler hypothesis - there is just no way to know without doing the new experiments. Yet it is not absurd as a heuristic to develop theories. This is a known fact in the field of machine learning for example, related to the problem of "overfitting". If one wants to describe the relationship between two quantities x and y, from a set of n examples (xi,yi), one could perfectly fit an nth-order polynomial to the data. It would completely explain the data, but yet would be very unlikely to fit a new example. In fact, a lower-dimensional relationship is more likely to account for new data, and this can be shown more rigorously with the tools of statistical learning theory. Thus there is a trade-off between how much of the data is accounted for and the simplicity of the theory. So, Occam's Razor is actually a very sensible heuristic to produce theories. But it should not be confused with a general criterion to discard theories.

The interim conclusion is: a theory should account for the data, but not at the expense of being as complicated as the data itself. Now I will make criticisms that are deeper, and mostly based on post-Popper philosophers such as Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend. In a nutshell, the argument is that insisting that a theory should explain empirical data is a kind of inversion of what science is about. Science is about understanding the real world, by making theories and testing them with carefully designed experiments. These experiments are usually done using conditions that are very unecological, and this is justified by the fact that they are designed to test a specific hypothesis in a controlled way. For example, the laws of mechanics would be tested in conditions where there is no friction, a condition that actually almost never happens in the real world - and this is absolutely fine methodology. But then insisting that a new theory should be evaluated by how much it explains the empirical data is what I would call the "empiricist inversion": empirical data were produced, using very peculiar conditions justified by the theory that motivated the experiments, and now we demand that any theory should explain this data. One obvious point, which was made by Kuhn and Feyerabend, is that it gives a highly unfair advantage to the first theory, just because it was there first. But it is actually worse than this, because it also means that the criterion to judge theories is now disconnected from what was meant to be explained in the first place by the theory that produced the data. Here is the empiricist inversion: we consider that theories should explain data, when actually data is produced to test theories. What a theory is meant to explain is the world; data is only used as a methodological tool to test theories of the world.

In summary, this criterion then tends to produce theories of data, not theories of the world. This point in fact relates to the arguments of Gibson, who criticized psychological research for focusing on laboratory stimuli rather than ecological conditions. Of course simplified laboratory stimuli are used to control experiments precisely, but it should always be kept in mind that these simplified stimuli are used as methodological tools and not as the things that are meant to be explained. In neural modeling, I find that many models are developed to explain experimental data, ignoring the function of the models (i.e., the “computational level” in Marr’s analysis framework). In my view, this is characteristic of the empiricist inversion, which results in models of the data, not models of the brain.

At this point, my remarks might start being confusing. On one hand I am saying that it is a good idea to try to account for the data with a simple explanation, on the other hand I am saying that we should not care so much about the data. These seemingly contradictory statements can still make sense because they apply to different types of theories. This is related to what Thomas Kuhn termed “normal science” and “revolutionary science”. These terms might sound a bit too judgmental so I will rather speak of “orthodox theories” and “non-orthodox theories”. The idea is that science is structured by paradigm shifts. Between such shifts, a central paradigm dominates. Data are obtained through this paradigm, anomalies are also explained through this paradigm (rather than being seen as falsifications), and a lot of new scientific results are produced by “puzzle solving”, i.e., trying to explain data. At some point, for various reasons (e.g. too many unexplained anomalies), the central paradigm shifts to a new one and the process starts again, but with new data, new methods, or new ways to look at the observations.

“Orthodox theories” are theories developed within the central paradigm. These try to explain the data obtained with this paradigm, the “puzzle-solving” activity. Here it makes sense to consider that a good theory is a simple explanation of the empirical data. But this kind of criterion cannot explain paradigm shifts. A paradigm shift requires the development of non-orthodox theories, for which the existing empirical data may not be adequate. Therefore the making of non-orthodox theories follows a different logic. Because the existing data were obtained with a different paradigm, these theories are not driven by the data, although they may be motivated by some anomalous set of data. For example they may be developed from philosophical considerations or by analogy. The logic of their construction might be better described by counter-induction rather than induction (a concept proposed by Feyerabend). That is, their development starts from a theoretical principle, rather than from data, and existing data are deconstructed so as to fit the theory. By this process, implicit assumptions of the central paradigm are uncovered, and this might ultimately trigger new experiments and produce new experimental data that may be favorable to the new theory.

Recently, there have been a lot of discussions in the fields of neuroscience and computational neuroscience about the availability of massive amounts of data. Many consider it as a great opportunity, which should change the way we work and build models. It certainly seems like a good thing to have more data, but I would like to point out that it mostly matters for the development of orthodox theories. Putting too much emphasis (and resources) on it also raises the danger of driving the field away from non-orthodox theories, which in the end are the ones that bring scientific revolutions (with the caveat that of course most non-orthodox theories turn out to be wrong). Being myself unhappy with current orthodox theories in neuroscience, I see this danger as quite significant.

This was a long post and I will now try to summarize. I started with the provocative question: should a theory explain the data? First of all, a theory that explains every single bit of data is an enumeration of data, not a theory. It is unlikely to predict any new significant fact. This point is related to overfitting or the “curse of dimensionality” in statistical learning. A better theory is one that explains a lot of the data with a simple explanation, a principle known as Occam’s razor. However, this criterion should be thought of as a heuristic to develop theories, not a clear-cut general decision criterion between theories. In fact, this criterion is relevant mostly for orthodox theories, i.e., those theories that follow the central paradigm with which most data have been obtained. Non-orthodox theories, on the other hand, cannot be expected to explain most of the data obtained through a different paradigm (at least initially). It can be seen that in fact they are developed through a counter-inductive process, by which data are made consistent with the theory. This process may fail to produce new empirical facts consistent with the new theory (most often) or it may succeed and subsequently become the new central paradigm - but this is usually a long process.

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