My employer (as many other institutions) has signed the DORA agreement, which emphasizes "the need to assess research on its own merits rather than on the basis of the journal in which the research is published" (see this text by Eve Marder and the Mission Bay Manifesto on Science Publishing for encouragement). Accordingly, I have decided to remove journal names from my publication list. The full citation information can easily be found, eg on my Google Scholar account. You can also follow my work on Mastodon. Code for model simulations can be found either here or in the Brian distribution. I usually announce new papers on Mastodon.
Reviews and essays (including encyclopedia articles and book chapters)
- Brette R (2024). Review of Farid Zahnoun, the embodiment of meaning, New York: Routledge, 2024.
- Brette R (2022). Brains as computers: metaphor, analogy, theory or fact?
- Brette R (2022). Le modèle managérial de la recherche : critique et alternative (présentation).
- Brette R (2021). Does the present moment depend on the moments not lived?
- Brette R (2021). Integrative Neuroscience of Paramecium, a “Swimming Neuron”.
- Brette R (2019). Neural coding: the bureaucratic model of the brain. (Response to commentaries on Is coding a relevant metaphor for the brain?)
- Brette R (2019). Is coding a relevant metaphor for the brain? (see also my blog posts on neural coding)
- Brette R (2018). The world is complex, not just noisy.
- Kole MHP and Brette R (2018). The electrical significance of axon location diversity
- Stimberg M, Goodman DFM, Brette R and M De Pittà (2017). Modeling neuron-glia interactions with the Brian 2 simulator.
- Brette R (2016). Subjective physics. In Closed Loop Neuroscience, El Hady (ed), Academic Press. (Previously as an arXiv paper: Subjective physics (2013)).
- Brette R (2015). Philosophy of the spike: rate-based vs. spike-based theories of the brain.
- Brette R (2015). What Is the Most Realistic Single-Compartment Model of Spike Initiation?
- Goodman DFM and Brette R (2013). Brian Spiking Neural Network Simulator. In: Jaeger D., Jung R. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience: SpringerReference. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/SpringerReference_348318 2013-07-28 17:58:33 UTC
- Goodman DFM and Brette R (2013) Brian simulator.
- Brette R and Goodman D (2012). Simulating spiking neural networks on GPU.
- Brette R and A. Destexhe (2012). Intracellular recording. Chapter in Handbook of neural activity measurement.
- Brette R (2012). On the design of script languages for neural simulation.
- Rossant C, Goodman DF, Fontaine B, Platkiewicz J, Magnusson AK and Brette R (2011). Fitting neuron models to spike trains.
- Brette, R. and D. Goodman (2009). Brian: a simple and flexible simulator for spiking neural networks.
- Goodman, D. and R. Brette (2009). The Brian simulator.
- Gerstner, W. and R. Brette (2009) Adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model.
- Brette R, Piwkowska Z, Monier C, Gomez J, Frégnac Y, Bal T, Destexhe A (2008). Dynamic clamp with high resistance electrodes in vitro and in vivo. Chapter in Dynamic Clamp, Bal T and Destexhe A (eds).
- Brette, R., M. Rudolph, T. Carnevale, M. Hines, D. Beeman, J.M. Bower, M. Diesmann, A. Morrison, P.H. Goodman, F.C. Harris, Jr., M. Zirpe, T. Natschläger, D. Pecevski, B. Ermentrout, M. Djurfeldt, A. Lansner, O. Rochel, T. Vieville, E. Muller, A. P. Davison, S. El Boustani and A. Destexhe (2007). Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: a review of tools and strategies.
Primary research articles
- Brette (2024). Theory of axo-axonic inhibition.
- Dumenieu M , Fronzaroli-Molinieres L, Naudin L, Iborra-Bonnaure C, Wakade A, Zanin E, Aziz A, Ankri N, Incontro S, Denis D, Brette R, Marqueze-Pouey B, Brette R, Debanne D and Russier M (2024). Visual activity enhances neuronal excitability in thalamic relay neurons.
- Escoubet N, Brette R, Pontani LL, Prevost AM (2023). Interaction of the mechanosensitive microswimmer Paramecium with obstacles.
- Elices I, Kulkarni A, Escoubet N, Pontani LL, Prevost AM, Brette R (2023). An electrophysiological and behavioral model of Paramecium, the "swimming neuron".
- Goethals S, Sierksma MC, Nicol X, Réaux-Le Goazigo A, Brette R (2021). Electrical match between initial segment and somatodendritic compartment for action potential backpropagation in retinal ganglion cells (code and data).
- Fekete A, Ankri N, Brette R*, Debanne D* (2021). Neural excitability increases with axonal resistance between soma and axon initial segment.
- Kulkarni A, Elices I, Escoubet N, Pontani L, Prevost AM, Brette R (2020). A simple device to immobilize protists for electrophysiology and microinjection.
- Goethals S, Brette R (2020). Theoretical relation between axon initial segment geometry and excitability. (code)
- Zbili M, Rama S, Yger P, Inglebert Y, Boumedine-Guignon N, Fronzaroli-Moliniere L, Brette R, Russier M, and Debanne D (2020). Axonal Na+ Channels Detect and Transmit Levels of Input Synchrony in Local Brain Circuits.
- Stimberg M, Brette R* and Goodman DF* (2019). Brian 2: an intuitive and efficient neural simulator.
- Le Mouel C and Brette R (2019). Anticipatory coadaptation of ankle stiffness and neural feedback for standing balance.
- Le Mouel C, Tisserand R, Robert T, Brette R (2019). Postural adjustments in anticipation of predictable perturbations allow elderly fallers to achieve a balance recovery performance equivalent to elderly non-fallers.
- Teleńczuk M, Brette R, Destexhe A, Teleńczuk B (2018). Contribution of the axon initial segment to action potentials recorded extracellularly.
- Teleńczuk M, Fontaine B, Brette R (2017). The basis of sharp spike onset in standard biophysical models
. (Code and binder)
- Le Mouel C and Brette R (2017). Mobility as the purpose of postural control. (See also the more complete preprint).
- Zheng Y and Brette R (2017). On the relation between pitch and level.
- Hamada M, Goethals S, de Vries S, Brette R, Kole M (2016). Covariation of axon initial segment location and dendritic tree normalizes the somatic action potential
- Bénichoux V, Rébillat M, Brette R (2016). On the variation of interaural time differences with frequency.
- Bellec G, Galtier M, Brette R, Yger P (2016). Slow feature analysis with spiking neurons and its application to audio stimuli
- Yger P, Stimberg M, Brette R (2015). Fast learning with weak synaptic plasticity.
- Bénichoux V, Fontaine B, Karino S, Franken TP, Joris PX*, Brette R* (2015). Neural tuning matches frequency-dependent time differences between the ears
- Laudanski J, Zheng Y, Brette R (2014). A structural theory of pitch.
- Rébillat M*, Benichoux V*, Otani M, Keriven R, Brette R (2014). Estimation of the low-frequency components of the head-related transfer functions of animals from photographs.
- Fontaine B, Peña JL, Brette R (2014). Spike-threshold adaptation predicted by membrane potential dynamics in vivo
- Stimberg M, Goodman DFM, Benichoux V, Brette R (2014).Equation-oriented specification of neural models for simulations.
- Goodman DFM, Benichoux V, Brette R (2013). Decoding neural responses to temporal cues for sound localization.
- Brette R (2013). Sharpness of spike initiation in neurons explained by compartmentalization
- Fontaine B, Benichoux V, Joris PX and Brette R (2013).Predicting spike timing in highly synchronous auditory neurons at different sound levels.
- Rossant C, Fontaine B, Magnusson AK, Brette R (2012). A calibration-free electrode compensation method.
- Gourévitch B and Brette R (2012). The impact of early reflections on binaural cues.
- Brette R (2012). Computing with neural synchrony
. (code)
- Brette R (2012). Spiking models for level-invariant encoding.
- Muller LE, Brette R, Gutkin B (2011). Spike-timing dependent plasticity and feed-forward input oscillations produce precise and invariant spike phase-locking.
- Fischer BJ, Steinberg LJ, Fontaine B, Brette R, Peña JL (2011).Effect of instantaneous frequency glides on ITD processing by auditory coincidence detectors.
- Rossant C, Leijon S, Magnusson AK, Brette R (2011).Sensitivity of noisy neurons to coincident inputs.
- Fontaine B, Goodman DFM, Benichoux F, Brette R (2011). Brian Hears: online auditory processing using vectorisation over channels.
- Kremer Y, Léger JF, Goodman DF, Brette R, Bourdieu L (2011).Late Emergence of the Whisker Direction Selectivity Map in the Rat Barrel Cortex. (Supplementary material).
- Fontaine B and Brette R (2011). Neural development of binaural tuning through Hebbian learning predicts frequency-dependent best delays. (Supplementary material).
- Platkiewicz J and Brette R (2011). Impact of Fast Sodium Channel Inactivation on Spike Threshold Dynamics and Synaptic Integration
- Brette R and DF Goodman (2011). Vectorised algorithms for spiking neural network simulation.
- Goodman DF and R Brette (2010). Learning to localise sounds with spiking neural networks.
- Goodman DF and R Brette (2010). Spike-timing-based computation in sound localization
- Brette R (2010) On the interpretation of sensitivity analyses of neural responses.
- Platkiewicz J, Brette R (2010). A Threshold Equation for Action Potential Initiation
- Rossant C, Goodman DF, Platkiewicz J and Brette R (2010). Automatic fitting of spiking neuron models to electrophysiological recordings.
- Touboul, J. and R. Brette (2009). Spiking dynamics of bidimensional integrate-and-fire neurons.
- Brette, R. (2009). Generation of correlated spike trains. (code)
- Goodman D and R Brette (2008). Brian: a simulator for spiking neural networks in Python.
- Brette R, Piwkowska Z, Monier C, Rudolph-Lilith M, Fournier J, Levy M, Frégnac Y, Bal T, Destexhe A (2008). High-resolution intracellular recordings using a real-time computational model of the electrode. (code)
- Badel L, Lefort S, Brette R, Petersen CC, Gerstner W, Richardson MJ (2008). Dynamic I-V curves are reliable predictors of naturalistic pyramidal-neuron voltage traces.
- Touboul, J. and R. Brette (2008). Dynamics and bifurcations of the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model. (code)
- Brette, R. (2008). The Cauchy problem for one-dimensional spiking neuron models.
- Piwkowska, Z., Pospischil, M., Brette, R., Sliwa, J., Rudolph-Lilith, M., Bal, T. and A Destexhe (2008). Characterizing synaptic conductance fluctuations in cortical neurons and their influence on spike generation.
- Brette, R., Piwkowska, Z., Rudolph, M., Bal, and A. Destexhe (2007). A non-parametric electrode model for intracellular recording.
- Brette, R. (2007). Exact simulation of integrate-and-fire models with exponential currents. (code)
- Brette, R. (2006). Exact simulation of integrate-and-fire models with synaptic conductances. (code)
- Brette, R. and W. Gerstner (2005). Adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model as an effective description of neuronal activity. (PubPeer comment)
- Brette, R. (2004). Dynamics of one-dimensional spiking neuron models.
- Brette, R. and E. Guigon (2003). Reliability of spike timing is a general property of spiking model neurons.
- Brette, R. (2003). Rotation numbers of discontinuous orientation-preserving circle maps.
Books and Theses
- Brette R and Destexhe A, eds (2012). Handbook of Neural Activity Mesurement. Cambridge University Press.
- HdR thesis (Habilitation à diriger les recherches): Spike-based models of neural computation, December 2009.
- PhD thesis: Modèles Impulsionnels de Réseaux de Neurones Biologiques, thèse de doctorat sous la direction d'Yves Burnod, Ecole Doctorale Cerveau-Cognition-Comportement, Paris, Décembre 2003.
In preparation / blog
I use my blog to prepare the content of larger pieces (books or reviews). Feel free to leave comments. You can also follow my posts on Twitter. There are currently several series of posts, each corresponding to a book or review/essay in preparation:
- What is computational neuroscience? I'm hoping to develop this series into a book about the epistemology of computational neuroscience.
- What is sound? This is about sound from an ecological perspective, focusing on everyday sounds. There is also some philosophy of sound.
- Rate vs. timing. I have now turned this series into a review.
- Neural coding. This is about the concept of "neural coding". I have now collected and extended these thoughts in an essay.
I am also writing a book on the theory of action potentials. I upload the chapters as I write them.
PhD theses of former students
- Sarah Goethals (2020). Impact of axon initial segment geometry on the electrical properties of neurons.
- Charlotte Le Mouel (2018). The role of postural adjustment in motor coordination.
- Maria Teleńczuk (2016). Intracellular and extracellular signatures of action potentials initiated in the axon.
- Victor Benichoux (2013). Timing cues for azimuthal sound source localization.
- Cyrille Rossant (2012). Rôle computationnel des corrélations dans le codage neuronal. (Computational role of correlations in neural coding)
- Jonathan Platkiewicz (2010). Dynamique de l’excitabilité neuronale: approches théorique et numérique. (Dynamics of neuronal excitability: theoretical and numerical investigations)